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Energop is an international company providing services within the construction industry.

Get the medical job you really want – how to boost your career in Europe?

For most doctors who decide to move and work abroad, the decision is solely based on the prospect of good earnings and better working conditions. This particular type of migration is mostly practised by European doctors who are not satisfied with
ISO 9001

What is ISO 9001 certification?

Implementing a good Quality Management System in a company has become more and more popular, as most businessman understand that their client is the most important part of the business. Satisfying all the clients’ needs and doing so in an organised,

Software development as an offer

Companies that are significantly bright in their vision of the future, often decide to implement targets related to the latest innovations in their businesses – especially in software development, which is one of the most profitable sector of IT services, nowadays.
Visit Auschwitz in Poland

Who invented the concentration camps?

The death camps are most associate with nazists, however, the first concentration camps – places where was held a large number of people who were deprived of the righteous judgments and  the reason for their detention was only the will of
Electric guitar strings

How to start playing guitar?

If you are wondering to play a guitar, the best way on the beggining is to borrow it from somebody else. However, when you are quite sure that you want to play the guitar than buy your own. There is no
Medical job

Medical doctor vacancies

Medical doctor vacancies appear in every country around the globe. Especially in Europe, the number of vacancies is not decreasing.
business idea

Business ideas

I am wondering if anyone can become a businessman? Your own business requires adequate knowledge of the business, law and economics. Your own business is also the risk of losing large amounts of money. Starting a business is definitely not an
european union

EC criticizes for achieving excellent results in the economy

The European Commission (EC) has just acknowledged that achieving the most desirable state in international trade relations, ie. High surplus in foreign trade (exports exceed imports), it is not a good thing. The Commission sent a special criticism in the direction
romanian flag map

Romania reduced rates of VAT and other taxes

It is worth to notice that Romania – despite the opposition of the International Monetary Fund and the European Commission – decided to take a chance and significantly reduced the rate of VAT and other taxes for small businesses. The effects