Who invented the concentration camps?

The death camps are most associate with nazists, however, the first concentration camps – places where was held a large number of people who were deprived of the righteous judgments and  the reason for their detention was only the will of the state – were founded by the Russians for the confederates.

They were located in the Ukraine, Lithuania and Poland, and served as a place of temporary stay until their deportation to Siberia.
Similar camps appeared in Cuba during the anti-spanish uprising, initiated by José Marti, which started in 1894. The Spaniards were holding in their camps the local peasants suspected of helping to insurgents.

The archetype of the concentration camp – the place where people weren’t only were held on but also brutally exterminated – the world owes to the Brits.

During the Second Boer War (1899-1902) the British commanders assumed concentration camps of stricter conditions for women and children of their opponents – the Boers (descendants of Dutch, German and French Calvinists, Lutherans and Huguenots – settlers in South Africa at the turn of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries) . In those camps, because of debilitated by malnutrition and diseases – a 27,000 people in total, which today is rarely mentioned. In the Boer War took part Winston Churchill, who later became a prime minister of Great Britain.

Only two years later (1904-1907), Germans for the first time, used an English “model” in one of its African colonies in the territory of present Namibia. Forced slave labor, starvation and killings – similar like the Brits – made the extermination of 67 thousand people.

This crime was made also by Dr. Heinrich Goering (lawyer and diplomat) – and the father of Hermann Goering, a minister in the government of the Third Reich, commander of the Luftwaffe and the Prime Minister of Prussia.

The largest concentration camp was established by Germans in Poland, in the cities called Auschwitz and Birkenau. There died a several thousands of innocent people. Today in the place of death camp is placed The Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum. Everyone can go there and see how the Nazis were killing the innocent victims of the war. The Auschwitz-Birkenau Camp is located near the beautiful polish places, so during your stay in Krakow, you should take a one-day tour to this historical place.

Learn more, visit the World, start from Europe: http://auschwitzsaltminetours.co.uk.

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